Birch PTO

The Parent Teacher Organization is a committee of parents and staff members working to enhance the educational environment, raise funds for school activities and enrichment programs, to establish and monitor progress toward school improvement goals, and coordinate volunteers. All parents are invited and encouraged to get involved with the Birch PTO. Find PTO updates including events and meeting schedules are on our Birch PTO website.

rainbow hands

School Community Support

The PTO provides sponsorship of parent workshops, scholarship funds for field trip fees, and supplies for programs like Battle of the Books. We also plan meals for teachers during conferences and plan teacher appreciation week.


Help at school image

If you are interested in volunteering click here to learn more about the many opportunities at Birch. 

group of students running with mascot

Social Events

We sponsor Family Fun Night, the Ice Cream Social, Movie Night, 5th Grade Continuation, Friendsgiving Pancake Breakfast, and the school’s Broomfield Days Parade float! 

Students running at the Bulldog Jog.


The PTO provides important funding that helps pay for para-educators in the classrooms, technology, classroom supplies, field trips, a sound system, teacher training, and more!

Join us in the fall for first fundraiser of the year, the Bulldog Jog!

boxtops logo


Thank You Birch PTO!