Mission & Vision
Birch is a neighborhood school with strong community support and experienced staff that holds high expectations for their students. At Birch, we recognize that each students brings special talents on which we capitalize, as well as areas of need, which we nurture. In doing so, we provide a learning environment that affords each child the opportunity to reach their "personal best" and develop lifelong skills that will assist them in decision making and problem solving as they continue on their life's journey.
At Birch, in partnership with students, parents, staff and community, we commit to developing each child as an inspired life long learner who demonstrates:
- A strong foundation of academic skills,
- Respect for self, others and the environment,
- Ethical and social responsibility.
We will do this by fostering and celebrating student uniqueness in a safe, nurturing environment.
The behavior program at Birch has two major elements: reinforcement for positive behavior and consequences for inappropriate behavior. Within each element, consistency is the key to success.
Children who are recognized as good citizens grow in self-esteem and develop positive ways to interact with others. Teachers will develop a positive climate in the classroom that reinforces good behavior.